Encouraging Moments with Bobby

by Encouraging Moments



You were born to win! Spirit of a champion Inc. presents Encouraging Moments with Bobby Williams. Be inspired everyday! Become the best you can be! The Purpose of Spirit of a Champion Inc: To strengthen the lives of Christians in their daily walk with Jesus Christ.To empower each Christian to live out the abundant life Jesus Christ spoke about when he said, “I have come that they might have life and have it more abundantly”. To challenge Christians to become true Champions of Christ. To encourage people through the love of Christ and through positive Christian inspiration. To share God’s love with those who are lost and have not accepted Christ as their personal savior, repented, and followed God’s direction in their lives. Join us to encourage and inspire the daily walk of Christians here in America and around the world through God’s infallible Word. We are committed to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ and His love! Spirit of a Champion Inc. is a federally recognized 501(c)(3) organization, which means all donations are tax deductible. Our passion is to challenge Christians to become true Champions of Christ and to encourage people through positive Christian inspiration. Please join us to spread hope to the world!